Features of Bulgarian Mentality: Judging
Gallia Georgieva
NB* With the one verification at the start - all written comes from my personal observations or experience and although these could be quite comprehensive so I might use generalizing or summarizing linguistic units they wouldn't throw the pretension to speak out in the name of the Whole. Plus one assurance to prevent misunderstanding - the pure intention of exposing greyish shirts in open is to bleach them in the sun.
Judging, judging, judging. Too much judging. Judging everywhere and for everything. "He is good" and "She is bad"; "I don't like him but I like her".
There is a common feature integrated in Bulgarian mentality to accept everything and everyone by judging; judging at a first glimpse and most of the time on a subjective basis. It is a widespread model of personal and social behaviour starting from inside the family and covering the whole ground of public relations. There are various ways of its expression. In the majority of cases, it is an instinctive, simultaneous reaction, although when coming to realizing it people do not tend to stop there but continue to execute it consciously. Interesting here as well as controversial comes to be that Bulgarians do not feel comfortable as objects of this mentality, yet it will not stop them from being executors.
I think of the following indicative example from the real daily life. If a person enters a brand new society or group of people and tends to differ from them in one way or another, they would not gain an interest (which I assume to be the normal reaction in the case) but rather provoke a rejection in the group. An instant judging will manifest this rejection likewise “I don’t like the person.” If the group is therefore asked, “Why??” they will be unable to give an objective answer because their reaction is based on a subjective basis and is not logical regarding the targeted person. The reason for it does not lie in the object. To be different from others is not an objective and logical reason to be judged as “disliked”, in general and principally speaking. Therefore, the problem comes from the subjects themselves and their mentality.
This situation can go further on. The same group of people’s subjective negative reaction can provoke another anti-one in its turn. A similar unconscious subjective reply from someone who would rather judge out, “I don’t like that group of people for they don’t like her/him” in the place of, first of all, trying to understand the situation, asking, “Why do they do so??”, “Are they right or wrong??” and “Am I in any position to like or dislike them??” People are able to come to “like” someone only because they “do not like” those “disliking” the same one instead of “liking” someone because of the persons themselves and their qualities.
There can be a more complicated scenario if the person whom someone has decided to “like” for being “disliked” by those the first “does not like”, if this person does not reply in a similar manner, and not obligatory reply in a negative one. Then they can be easily put in the column of the “disliked” ones nevertheless having occupied the opposite column until sooner. This resembles a nightmare carousel but unfortunately, it happens in reality.
Besides from being a problem of a person and of a society, it can be a dangerous syndrome when people in their acceptance and opinion of the others do not count on objective basis but on “quick sands” that can twist reality to fictive perceptions and drift it away from the sober and stable mind. If it is a general tendency in a people’s mentality, it can come dangerous for its well-being, improving and future as a whole. Unfortunately, this is what I notice to be the case here.
To my opinion people behave this way as a protective reaction to their feeling of inferiority. I count inferiority complex as one of the main reasons here but I see some other reasons too.
Inferiority complex: It is one of the basic diseases that deteriorate the personal health and the health of society, making it and its people eating each other and self-eliminating. Bulgarian traditional model of upbringing and education is one of the leading factors that found this essential problem and Bulgarians need to seriously rethink over and change it basically if they want to improve their being.
Intolerance: Lack of wish and ability to understand the others, to accept their differences and qualities, even superior ones and to accept them the way they are, based on their truth, is the other main factor feeding this mentality.
In conclusion I can see the problem in the usurpation of the right to judge, and in the irrelevant subjective judging. People would rather prefer to do it, and to do it in one wink, instead of trying or even wishing to try to understand the others and to see, accept them in the way they are, giving themselves enough time to accumulate that objective amount and quality of information necessary for creating a relevant idea for the rest. In the thread of thoughts, we can come this way to the objective idea of our own selves as well, as possible as it can be. Moreover, coming to knowing better our intimate worlds is the way to approach to better understanding to the rest of the world. The path to the others begins from inside the human.
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Man you pay the "What the others think of me tax" big time. Thats some subjective Bulgarian judging.